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Birth Control Pills Facts

Birth Control Pills Facts

There are many myths associated with Birth Control Pills that often get misunderstood. Here are few facts that you should know before taking them. Check them out to avoid any risky sex before it’s too late!

Inconsistency Is A Big Problem

The two-thirds of women who use contraception consistently and correctly account for just 5 percent of unintended pregnancies, the Guttmacher Institute reports. On the other hand, the 19 percent of women who use birth control inconsistently account for a whopping 43 percent of all unintended pregnancies. Take the birth control pill, for example. Every year, fewer than 1 in 100 women will become pregnant if they take the pill every day, but 9 in 100 will if they don’t manage to take the pill daily. Women often absorb the message that the pill is practically 100 percent effective. That’s only the case if they take it precisely as directed, day-in and out.

You May Have To Monitor Side Effects

All brands of the pill are equally effective at preventing pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean they’re all equally well-suited to you and your body. And for a lot of women, the onus is on them to figure out what is best.”Gynecologists will prescribe the pill they have the most experience with or the one they currently have free samples of in the closet,” Dr. James Simon of the Women’s Health Research Center in Laurel, M.D., told Women’s Health. Know the basics about what your options are. There are combination pills — which contain both the hormone estrogen and the hormone progestin — and progestin-only options, for women who can’t take estrogen. Within those categories, there are different strengths and brands, and beyond that, there are plenty of modern, long-range options that aren’t pills, like the IUD or the ring. If you’re having side effects that you think might be related to your birth control, try tracking them in your calendar and taking that information with you to your next appointment with your gynecologist. It’ll help your doctor or nurse get a sense of what you’re experiencing and guide them toward better options for you. Some side effects may go away after your body adjusts, others may not. But you shouldn’t have to settle for discomfort.

IUDs Are Most Effective

A study published last spring in the venerable New England Journal of Medicine found that intrauterine devices, or IUDs, are 20 times better at preventing unintended pregnancies than the birth control pill, patch or ring. Why? Because IUDs — which are small t-shaped devices inserted into a woman’s uterus — eliminate human error. (For more on that, check out the previous slide.) They’re currently the most effective long-acting, reversible option available — and they are safe, despite lingering belief that they aren’t.

gain weight

Odds Are, The Pill Didn’t Cause Your Weight Gain

Early versions of the birth control pill had higher doses of hormones and caused many women to gain weight, but most modern iterations do not. Numerous studies have found no link between combination pills and subsequent weight gain, although theAmerican Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists points out that progestin-only pills can cause women to put on some pounds. As Time reports, there are two reasons why the birth-control-pill-weight-gain-connection endures: Girls often go on the pill when they are teenagers and may gain weight simply because they’re growing up, but think it’s because of the pill. Many women also go on the pill when they’re in a committed relationship, and research suggests that coupled women tend to gain weight. However, as ABC reports, women can experience bloating or stomach distention when they switch or go on or off their birth control, so absolutely speak up if that’s something you’re experiencing.

Other Meds Matter

There’s a reason your doctor asks what other medications you’re on before writing a prescription: Some drugs don’t mix with others. And that absolutely holds true for your hormonal birth control. The list of do-not-combine-with-birth-control drugs includes, but is by no means limited to, certain antibiotics, anti-fungal medications, antidepressants and even some natural supplements, like St. John’s wort, which candiminish the efficacy of birth control pills with estrogen.

You Can Use Birth Control Indefinitely

As the Mayo Clinic says, healthy women who don’t smoke can generally safely remain on birth control pills for as long as they’d like — through menopause even. “Years ago it was thought that prolonged use of birth control pills would interfere with a woman’s subsequent ability to conceive, but this has been shown to be false,” Dr. Mary M. Gallenberg, a Mayo Clinic OBGYN explains.”Similarly, doctors used to recommend taking an occasional break from birth control pills, but this offers no benefits and may increase your risk of an unplanned pregnancy.” Of course, there are permanent birth control options, like sterilization, that women and their partners can also consider if they’re not having children or are done having kids.

Stopping? You Can Get Pregnant Right Away

“In the past, doctors had concerns that if you conceived immediately after stopping the pill, you had a higher risk of miscarriage. However, these concerns have proved to be largely unfounded. The hormones in birth control pills don’t linger in your system,”according to the Mayo Clinic. “Women don’t need to get off the pill three to six months before they’re trying to conceive, their bodies return to normal right away,” Dr. Katharine O’Connell White, an OBGYN with Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass., told Time. The same holds true for the IUD:ACOG says women can try to get pregnantas soon as it is removed. That said, some women may experience a gap between when they stop using contraception and when they begin ovulating. If you don’t get your period within several months, you may have something referred to “post-pill amenorrhea.” Talk to your health care provider.
pregnant woman on the beach

You Can Get Protection 5 Days After Unprotected Sex

There has been a lot of confusion about what emergency contraception is and is not. Drugs like Plan B offer a means for women to prevent pregnancy up to five days after a woman has unprotected sex (although with Plan B effectiveness decreases the longer women wait; ella, another brand, which is available by prescription only, remains equally effective within that five day window). They are not the abortion pill. Another option is to have an IUD inserted within five days of unprotected sex. The point is, even if you have unprotected sex, there are safe methods that can help prevent pregnancy if that’s what you want.

Male Birth Control Is On the Horizon

Though researchers are loathe to put a date on when we can expect it, they say that both hormonal and non-hormonal birth control options for men are on the way, with research efforts supported by high-profile groups such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Case in point, last summer scientists discovered a molecule that dramatically lowered sperm counts in miceand that could, one day, be used in humans.

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